It is time for the Red Bag Project! The Red Bag Project is organized by MP's Community Service Club to help provide gifts for children in the foster care system.
This year, Manchester Park is going to sponsor 64 children (32 girls, 32 boys). Each class has a Sign-Up Genius for the gifts requested by the children their class will be providing gifts for.
Our big goal? To check off Christmas wishlist items with 9 GIFTS and a cozy blanket for each child!
Community Service Club is also gathering funds to help complete those wishlists via Venmo @tammi-tapia (phone: 5434)
All gifts (unwrapped, please!) need to make their way to MP between Monday, November 18th and Monday, December 2nd (that's the Monday after Thanksgiving and Black Friday folks!) Each classroom will have a designated bin to place gifts in to. Gift receipts for clothing/shoes are very much appreciated, please attach them to the item.
The Community Service Club will be wrapping up the goodies at their December 5th meeting and delivering them to Red Bag KC.
Lists for each class can be found below.
Participation is completely optional and we appreciate everyone's generosity.
Third Grade |
First Grade
Fourth Grade |
Second Grade
Fifth Grade |
We’re also incorporating "parent elves” for each classroom to help organize gift donations within each classroom. This is an additional role that we will also open up to CSC parents and other parents as an opportunity to be involved. If you would like to sign-up for this role, these are the additional duties:
- Team-up with the Room Coordinators to get the Sign-Up Genius reminders out!
- Check and monitor classroom bins on 11/21 or 11/22 either before school or after school, or coordinating with your teacher's planning period to ensure gifts are being received.
- 11/22 If gifts are missing from the bin that a parent signed up for, reach out to confirm that they will bring the gift by 12/2.
- 12/2 complete final bin check and reach-out to parents if gifts are missing to confirm that they will bring the gift to their child's classroom by 12/3.
- Communicate with CSC Chairs if any concerns arise.
**All monetary donations will be taken care of by CSC Chairs**
Here is the link to sign-up as the parent elf:

Please email with any questions.