Make sure to mark these Important dates down in your Calendars! 



January 21-24: 2nd Grade Stock the Lounge!

February 3rd: Timby Trinkets

February 6 @ 3:20pm: Valentine's Day Parties (Parent check-in @ 3:10pm)

February 7: NO SCHOOL 

February 10-12: Conferences 

February 12 @ 12:10pm: Half day of School

February 13-14: NO SCHOOL 

March 7 @ 6pm-8pm: Daughter & VIP Event

Jan - March: Book Bunch for 3rd-5th Grades  




2ND GRADE FAMILIES, you're up next to Stock the Lounge!

Please click the link below to sign up to purchase some drinks & snacks for our amazing staff! Let’s show them some love! 💜




Please drop off items between Jan 21-24 to the front office.

No time to shop? We’ll do it for you--Venmo donations are also appreciated!










The Manchester Park yearbook committee is hard at work, creating a yearbook full of memories!


If you haven’t heard yet, we are partnering with Treering this year and are so excited to get started.

With Treering, you are able to share photos with us for all the events throughout the school year!

Please make sure all kiddos in the photos attend MP; however, the kiddos do not need to be in the same grade/class.


Please refer to the flyer on how to create an account and share photos.


School's passcode: 101709226633892.


You must have an account in order to share photos.

*Disclaimer: The photos you share using the link or app will be visible to all MP families that have a Treering account.*


Already have an account?


Click the links below to share photos to their designated folders!  


Fall Party Pictures

Winter Party Pictures

5th Grade Musical


Extracurricular Activities with MP students


Your Manchester Park PTO is thrilled to announce the results for the Major Savings Project!
We had 348 responses and the results are below:
Option 1: 69.4% 
Option 2: 22.8%
Option 3: 7.8%

Here’s a reminder of what each option consists of:
OPTION 1: Walking/running path for PE classes and recess, P6 Ball, Volleyball $50,446.30
OPTION 2:  Comet Spinners (2 of them), P6 Ball, Volleyball $47,991.24
OPTION 3: Dome Climber $46,909.00
Your Manchester Park PTO would especially like to thank Ms. Steele for all the help she provided to get this project approved and submitted to the district. This project would not be possible without her support and guidance.  
We are reaching out to the vendors now and hope to see the walking/running path, P6 ball and volleyball net on the playground soon.  
We are rapidly approaching winter months, but we will try to get these projects done as soon as possible, weather permitting.  
Stay tuned and thank you for your participation! 
Your Manchester Park PTO 




TEAM TIMBY: Manchester Park's mascot is a Timberwolf named Timby and we need adults willing to wear our Timby costume once per month. We will have a welcoming committee in the mornings on our spirit days consisting of Timby and our STUCO. Volunteer once this school year or every week. Any help is greatly appreciated, and the students will love it!

Click on TEAM TIMBY to sign up.