PTO stands for Parent-Teacher Organization. The PTO Executive Board is made up of elected parent volunteers, teacher representatives and the school principal. Our mission is to support and assist Manchester Park Elementary School in providing a quality education for all. We organize family fun nights, plan classroom parties, pay for field trips and raise funds so that we can provide supplemental materials/equipment to teachers and staff.
At Manchester Park Elementary all parents/legal guardians of a student currently enrolled in the school, the principal and all faculty are considered members of the PTO. There are no fees for membership with the MP PTO. Don’t worry, membership does not automatically require you to volunteer! However, MPE loves parent volunteers! There are so many opportunities to give back to the school and to enrich your child’s experience.
MP PTO strives to enrich the lives of our children, families and community. Our goal is to provide the most amazing elementary experience for our students while providing exceptional support to our MP teachers and staff.
What we do:
Represent MPE families within the school.
Fundraising: Fundraising is done in order to help MP pay for field trips, equipment and materials that are not in their budget, as well as sponsoring organized special events throughout the year.
Sponsoring events and activities: Special events and activities are a fun way to engage students, families and the community outside of the school day. The PTO organizes and sponsors some events while assisting in the coordination of others.
There are so many ways for parents to be involved at MP!